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LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, Els Vermang
size: 50 x 50 cm & 50 x 80cm
techniques: computer generated digital print, framed

4 seasons Brussels 2014

single edition

2015 ___ - rouge, vert, bleu, blanc - Centre des arts d’Enghien-les-Bains, Paris
2016 ___ - calculations, permutations, notations, The Major Gallery, London
2016 ___ - Langage Codé, La Patinoire, Brussels
2017 ___ - Langage Codé, Fontana Gallery, Amsterdam
2022 / 23 - Zeit Zeichen Zeichen Zeit, Kunstmuseum, Heidenheim

ChronoLoci - chronology - chrono (time) - loci (location) - locus (particular space where something is located). The project
Mapping time to colour accordingly to a specific date and location, the length of the day scales proposrtionaly the ;;;



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