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MRxpo23 _ Concept + Line, Plotterdrawings 1965-90

24.04.- 06.05.2009

MRxpo23 _ Concept + Line, Plotterdrawings 1965-90


Concept + Line is an exhibition featuring some of the most important figures of the early generative art scene, showcasing plotter drawings made from 60’s supercomputers onwards. These pioneering vector works are two-dimensional spatial representations of code and inscribe as much within the parametric spatial approach of Sol Lewitt and as the programmed art of C.E.B. Reas.

list of artists

Frieder Nake, Manfred Mohr, Vera Molnar, Mark Wilson, Jean-Pierre Hébert.


curated by:

LAb[au] in collaboration with Wolf Lieser, DAM Gallery Berlin

The exhibition has been taking part of the official off- program of ArtBrussels


MediaRuimte (2003-2013)

Lakensestraat 104 Rue de Laeken

B - 1000 Brussels


curatorships by the Belgian art-studio LAb[au], curated by, lab(au), Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, artist curator, Mediaruimte, Société, TOPO?

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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