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with special thanks to:
Michiel De Schryver, Lambda-max bvba, engineering
Walter Wathieu, technical assistance
Marnix Gybels, city of Leuven
Tom Crols, Michielson, cranes and transport
365 days a year, each day one random word, 365 words a year. On the roof of a former brewery building 'De Hoorn' in Leuven's industrial harbour, and facing the city center, a 7-letter display is mounted. The choice of words is driven by a generative system randomly choosing one letter after the other but re-launching the query if the constituted string can’t be found in a Dutch or English dictionary. In this manner, there is only a word equal to a meaning shown each day on the top of the building: when ‘denotata’ (sense) and ‘data’ (semiosis) combine an auto-poetic machine is formed addressing the passer-by's interpretation and associations to read the urban context besides the daily routine.