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shapes: squares, triangles, hexagones, prismes
grid defining the amount of kinetic elements
This series combines the tessellation of regular geometries with combinatorial logic - their folding and unfolding both completed with colors. Based on scripts, the emerging patterns combine the shape logic with chance.
2013 - origamiSquare, 36squares
2013 - origamiSquare, 72 triangles – BRAZIL
2014 - origamiHelix , 21 triangles –fRANCE
2014 - origamiHexa - 21x3 - collector Perpignan
2014 - origamiHexa, 27 Rhombi _ freestanding - LABAU
2018 - origamiRhombi, 16 rhombis - ARCO - Collectors Frankfurt
2013 ___ - FIAC, art fair, Denise René Galerie, Paris
2014 ___ - Victor Vasarely Hommage, Mussée d'Ixelles, Brussels
2014 ___ - zéro / un , Galerie Denise René, Paris
2014 ___ - writing drawing painting, DAM Berlin, Berlin
2015 ___ - rouge vert bleu _ blanc, Centre Des Arts, Enghien Les Bains
2015 ___ - calculations, permutations, notations, The Mayor Gallery, ABPS London
2016 ___ - ART BRUSSELS, solo booth, Denise René Galerie, Brussels
2016 ___ - LANGAGE CODE, La Patinoire Royale, Brussels
2017 ___ - BRAFA art fair, La Patinoire Royale Brussels
2017 ___ - LANGAGE CODE, Fontana Gallery, Amsterdam
origamiSquare, private collection, Brazil
origamiSquare, private collection, Brazil
rigamiHelix, private collection, France
origamiHexa , private collection, France
origamiRhombi, private collection, Germany
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